Program Detail

Community Development


About Program

Formation of Community through Assistance

Periodic assistance in the target community is the basis for program sustainability. Referring to a participatory process to provide space for the community to convey their ideas.
Then it is repackaged according to the program output.

Together develop village potential

The behavior change theory can be used as a reference in trying the approaches needed. The level of change can be measured by the type of approach taken and the timeframe for implementation.
  • Community leaders assessments to see the mentoring model or desired change.
  • Trying to apply a certain approach to see the response in society.
  • Conduct a study of the approach taken.
  • Summarize the results of the approach taken and make changes to the approach or continue to do the same approach if it is felt to be effective.

Community behavior changes.

Behavior change can work if there are needs from the community which are the priority. Changes can also be made through new approaches that are deemed important to implement, of course, supported by accurate information and easy to implement.
  • Using the concept of behavior change in community assistance.
  • Mapping the relationship between parties through the root cause map.
  • Finding the need for a new approach offered.
  • Customize the right form of activity carried out.
  • Conduct an assessment of the effectiveness of the approach that has been carried out.

Media Education Tool

Every activity in the community requires props or media that make it easier for the community to understand, some of which are:
  • Development of modules or learning guides.
  • Through video or tutorials that are easy for the public to understand.
  • Give examples of practices in other places that have done this successfully.
  • Through games and direct practice will accelerate public understanding.

Monitoring and Evaluation

An activity can be said to be successful if assistance is regularly carried out to form local champions and change strategies according to the situation that occurs, for this it is necessary to do:
  • Periodic monitoring of activities, including providing assistance and strengthening the capacity of local champions.
  • Evaluation is carried out periodically for the community as preparation for new strategies.
  • Collection of field data and community stories as study material.
  • Writing learning as a reflection of an activity and a case study.

Share knowledge with Our Team

Contact us about activities that have been carried out or share your experiences, including programs that we can do in Indonesia.
Jl. Nangka Utara, Gg. Sari Indah No.4 Denpasar (80231)
[email protected]

Community Resilience

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