Program Detail



About Program

Learn with experienced trainers.

Kembali Berdaya was formed by community facilitators who have more than 20 years of experience. So that it can provide recommendations for appropriate approach models to be applied in an area.
Using local resources and culture for effectiveness activities in the community.

Community Capacity Measurement

Whatever approach is taken, without identifying the needs and capacities of community groups, activities tend to run in vain. It is important to carry out an initial assessment to determine the level of community needs.
  • Identify the culture and potential of the local community.
  • Exploring community experiences that have been running from the past.
  • Determine the right location for the training so that participants are comfortable.
  • Using the Social Analysis approach.
  • Knowing prospective participants from the beginning.

Learning While Practices

Research shows that learning while practicing having a community understanding level of 70% of the material is acceptable.
  • Put into practice the training materials immediately after a brief explanation, the portion of which is 30% theory and 70% practice.
  • Exploring existing local potentials to suit the training materials.
  • Learn from case studies and existing experiences.
  • Principled: everyone is a teacher, who has experience to be able to share.

Media Education Tool

Every activity in the community requires props or media that make it easier for the community to understand, some of which are:
  • Development of modules or learning guides.
  • Through video or tutorials that are easy for the public to understand.
  • Give examples of practices in other places that have done this successfully.
  • Through games and direct practice will accelerate public understanding.

Monitoring and Evaluation

An activity can be said to be successful if assistance is regularly carried out to form local champions and change strategies according to the situation that occurs, for this it is necessary to do:
  • Periodic monitoring of activities, including providing assistance and strengthening the capacity of local champions.
  • Evaluation is carried out periodically for the community as preparation for new strategies.
  • Collection of field data and community stories as study material.
  • Writing learning as a reflection of an activity and a case study.

Share knowledge with Our Team

Contact us about activities that have been carried out or share your experiences, including programs that we can do in Indonesia.
Jl. Nangka Utara, Gg. Sari Indah No.4 Denpasar (80231)
[email protected]

Community Resilience

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